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Currently reading

Infinite Jest
David Foster Wallace
Kushiel's Mercy
Jacqueline Carey
House and Philosophy: Everybody Lies
Henry Jacoby, William Irwin
Sparks: The Epic, Completely True Blue, (Almost) Holy Quest of Debbie
S.J. Adams
Life After Life
Kate Atkinson
The Ask and the Answer (Chaos Walking, #2)
Patrick Ness
The Sandman, Vol. 1: Preludes and Nocturnes - Neil Gaiman, Malcolm Jones III, Karen  Berger, Sam Kieth, Todd Klein, Mike Dringenberg Graphic Novels are not usually my forte, but I like to consider myself a diverse and well-rounded partaker of the written word. After finding The Graveyard Book so enjoyable, I thought that I would give this oft mentioned series a try.The first collection did not disappoint. The story and mythology was engaging, and left me with the feeling that we have barely broached the first page of a massive tome filled with an amazing world of mysterious beings.